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Ethereal NNUE: The Ultimate Chess Engine for Standard and Fischer Random


How to Play Chess with Ethereal Download Chess Software

Chess is a two-player board game that has been played for centuries. It is a game of skill, logic, and strategy, where each player tries to checkmate the opponent's king. Chess has many benefits for the brain, such as improving memory, concentration, problem-solving, creativity, and more. Chess can also be fun, relaxing, and rewarding.

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But how can you learn and improve your chess skills? One of the best ways is to use chess software programs that can help you play, train, analyze, and study chess. Chess software programs are computer applications that can simulate a human or a machine opponent, provide feedback, hints, and suggestions, and store and manage chess games and databases.

In this article, we will introduce you to one of the most powerful and popular chess software programs: Ethereal Download Chess. We will explain what it is, how to download and install it, how to use it, and what features it offers. We will also give you some basic chess rules and strategies that you can apply in your games. By the end of this article, you will be ready to play chess with Ethereal Download Chess and enjoy this amazing game.

What is Ethereal Download Chess?

Ethereal Download Chess is a chess software program that operates under the UCI (Universal Chess Interface) protocol. It is an open source project that is free to download and use. Ethereal Download Chess is based on a powerful chess engine called Ethereal, which is one of the strongest chess engines in the world. Ethereal Download Chess also uses a neural network for positional evaluation, which makes it even more accurate and efficient.

Ethereal Download Chess can play chess at any level of difficulty, from beginner to grandmaster. It can also play different variants of chess, such as Chess960 or Fischer Random Chess. You can use Ethereal Download Chess to play against the computer or another human player online or offline. You can also use it to analyze your own or other players' games, study openings, endgames, tactics, and more.

Ethereal Download Chess is compatible with Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, iOS, and Android devices. You can download it from its official website or from other sources such as GitHub . You can also find more information about Ethereal Download Chess on its wiki page . To install Ethereal Download Chess on your device, you need to follow the instructions provided on the website or in the readme file.

How to Play Chess with Ethereal Download Chess?

Once you have downloaded and installed Ethereal Download Chess on your device, you can start playing chess with it. Here are some steps to follow:

  • Open Ethereal Download Chess on your device.

  • Select the mode you want to play: single player (against the computer), two players (against another human on the same device), or online (against another human on a different device).

  • Select the level of difficulty you want to play: easy, medium, hard, or custom (where you can adjust the time control, skill level, book depth, etc.).

  • Select the variant of chess you want to play: standard chess or Chess960.

  • Set up the board according to the rules of chess (see below) or let Ethereal Download Chess do it for you.

  • Make your moves by clicking or tapping on the pieces and squares on the board. You can also use keyboard shortcuts or voice commands if available.

  • Use the buttons or menus on the screen to access different features of Ethereal Download Chess, such as undoing or redoing moves, saving or loading games, analyzing positions or moves, getting hints or suggestions, changing settings or preferences, etc.

  • Enjoy playing chess with Ethereal Download Chess!

What are the Basic Rules of Chess?

Before you can play chess with Ethereal Download Chess, you need to know the basic rules of chess. Chess is a game that has some simple rules but also some complex strategies. Here are some of the most important rules you need to know:

  • The chess board is composed of 64 squares of alternating colors (light and dark). Each square has a coordinate that consists of a letter (from A to H) and a number (from 1 to 8). For example, the square in the bottom left corner is A1, and the square in the top right corner is H8.

  • Each player has 16 pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two bishops, two knights, and eight pawns. The pieces are placed on the first and second ranks (rows) for white, and on the seventh and eighth ranks for black. The king is placed on the square that matches its color (white king on E1, black king on E8). The queen is placed on the square next to the king (white queen on D1, black queen on D8). The rooks are placed on the corners (A1, H1, A8, H8). The bishops are placed next to the rooks (C1, F1, C8, F8). The knights are placed next to the bishops (B1, G1, B8, G8). The pawns are placed on the second and seventh ranks (A2 to H2, A7 to H7).

  • The player with the white pieces makes the first move. Then the players take turns to move one piece at a time. You cannot move a piece to a square that is occupied by another piece of the same color. You can capture an enemy piece by moving your piece to the square where it is located. You then remove the captured piece from the board and replace it with your piece.

  • Each piece has a different way of moving and capturing. The king can move one square in any direction (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally). The queen can move any number of squares in any direction, as long as there are no pieces in between. The rook can move any number of squares horizontally or vertically, as long as there are no pieces in between. The bishop can move any number of squares diagonally, as long as there are no pieces in between. The knight can move in an L-shape: two squares horizontally and one square vertically, or two squares vertically and one square horizontally. The knight can jump over other pieces. The pawn can move one square forward (towards the enemy side), except on its first move when it can move two squares forward. The pawn can only capture one square diagonally forward.

  • There are some special rules in chess that you need to know. One is called castling, which is a move that allows you to move your king and one of your rooks at the same time. To castle, you need to have both your king and rook on their original squares, and there must be no pieces between them. You also cannot castle if your king is in check (under attack), or if you would pass through or end up in a square that is under attack. To castle, you move your king two squares towards the rook, and then move the rook to the square next to the king on the other side. Castling is a good way to protect your king and activate your rook.

  • Another special rule is called en passant, which is a move that allows you to capture an enemy pawn that has just moved two squares forward on its first move. To do this, you need to have a pawn on the fifth rank (for white) or the fourth rank (for black), and the enemy pawn must have moved two squares forward next to your pawn. You can then capture the enemy pawn by moving your pawn diagonally forward to the square where it would have been if it had moved only one square forward. You then remove the enemy pawn from the board.

  • A third special rule is called promotion, which is a move that allows you to change your pawn into another piece when it reaches the last rank (the eighth rank for white or the first rank for black). You can choose any piece except a king: a queen, a rook, a bishop, or a knight. Usually, players choose a queen because it is the most powerful piece. Promotion is a good way to get more pieces and increase your chances of winning.

  • The game ends when one of these situations occurs: checkmate, stalemate, resignation, draw by agreement, draw by repetition, draw by insufficient material, or draw by 50-move rule.

  • Checkmate is when you attack your opponent's king with one or more of your pieces and there is no way for your opponent to escape or defend. Checkmate means that you have won the game.

  • Stalemate is when your opponent's king is not in check, but there is no legal move for your opponent to make. Stalemate means that the game is a draw.

  • Resignation is when one of the players decides to give up and end the game. Resignation means that the player who resigns has lost the game.

  • Draw by agreement is when both players agree to end the game and declare it a draw. Draw by agreement can happen at any point in the game, as long as both players consent.

  • Draw by repetition is when the same position occurs three times in a row or five times in total, with the same player to move and the same possible moves. Draw by repetition can happen when both players repeat the same moves over and over, or when there is a perpetual check or a perpetual attack.

  • Draw by insufficient material is when neither player has enough pieces to checkmate the opponent. Draw by insufficient material can happen when there are only kings left, or when there is only one minor piece (a bishop or a knight) left for either player.

  • Draw by 50-move rule is when neither player has made a capture or a pawn move in the last 50 moves. Draw by 50-move rule can happen when there is no progress or no possibility of checkmate.

What are the Basic Strategies of Chess?

Besides knowing the rules of chess, you also need to know some basic strategies of chess. Chess is a game that requires you to think ahead, plan your moves, and outsmart your opponent. Here are some of the most important concepts and principles of chess strategy:

  • The center: The center of the board (the four squares E4, E5, D4, and D5) is the most important area of the board. Controlling the center gives you more space, more mobility, and more opportunities to attack or defend. You should try to occupy or influence the center with your pieces, especially your pawns and minor pieces (bishops and knights).

  • The development: The development is the process of bringing your pieces into play from their initial positions. Developing your pieces means placing them on active and useful squares, where they can attack, defend, or support each other. You should try to develop your pieces as quickly and efficiently as possible, without wasting time or making unnecessary moves.

  • The king's safety: The king's safety is the protection of your king from enemy attacks. Keeping your king safe means preventing or avoiding checkmate threats, as well as minimizing exposure or weakness around your king. You should try to castle early in the game, as castling moves your king to a safer side of the board and connects your rooks. You should also try to keep some pawns and pieces around your king to shield it from attacks.

  • The initiative: The initiative is the ability to make threats and force your opponent to react. Having the initiative means having more control over the course of the game, as you can dictate the pace and direction of the action. You should try to gain and maintain the initiative by making active and aggressive moves that create pressure and problems for your opponent.

  • The material: The material is the value and quantity of your pieces. Having more material means having more power and potential on the board, as you can use your pieces to attack or defend more effectively. You should try to gain and preserve material by capturing more enemy pieces than you lose, or by exchanging pieces when you have an advantage.

  • The pawn structure: The pawn structure is the arrangement and formation of your pawns on the board. Having a good pawn structure means having pawns that are solid, connected, and supported by each other. You should try to improve and maintain your pawn structure by avoiding weaknesses such as isolated, doubled, or backward pawns, or by creating strengths such as passed, protected, or advanced pawns.

How to Practice and Improve Your Chess Skills with Ethereal Download Chess?

Playing chess with Ethereal Download Chess is not only fun but also educational. Ethereal Download Chess can help you practice and improve your chess skills in various ways. Here are some tips on how to use Ethereal Download Chess for learning and training:

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  • Play against different levels of difficulty: Ethereal Download Chess can adjust its skill level according to your preference. You can play against easy, medium, hard, or custom levels of difficulty. You can also change the time control, book depth, skill level, etc. Playing against different levels of difficulty can help you test your skills, challenge yourself, and learn from your mistakes.

  • Analyze your games: Ethereal Download Chess can analyze your games and provide feedback, hints, and suggestions. You can access the analysis mode by clicking on the button or menu on the screen. Analyzing your games can help you understand your strengths and weaknesses, find better moves, and learn from the computer or other players.

  • Study openings, endgames, tactics, and more: Ethereal Download Chess can help you study different aspects of chess, such as openings, endgames, tactics, and more. You can access the study mode by clicking on the button or menu on the screen. Studying chess can help you improve your knowledge, skills, and confidence in various situations and scenarios.

  • Play online with other players: Ethereal Download Chess can help you play online with other players from around the world. You can access the online mode by clicking on the button or menu on the screen. Playing online can help you practice your skills, compete with others, and have fun.


Chess is a wonderful game that can enrich your life in many ways. It can stimulate your brain, enhance your creativity, and bring you joy. Ethereal Download Chess is a great chess software program that can help you play, learn, and improve your chess skills. It is free, powerful, and easy to use. You can download it from its official website or from other sources such as GitHub . You can also find more information about Ethereal Download Chess on its wiki page .

We hope that this article has given you some useful information and tips on how to play chess with Ethereal Download Chess. We also hope that you have enjoyed reading it and that you are eager to try it out. Remember to have fun and keep learning!


Here are some common questions and answers about chess software and strategy:

  • Q: What is the best chess software program?

  • A: There is no definitive answer to this question, as different chess software programs have different features, strengths, and weaknesses. Some of the most popular and reputable chess software programs are Ethereal Download Chess, Stockfish, Komodo, Houdini, Fritz, ChessBase,,, etc. You can try them out and see which one suits your needs and preferences best.

  • Q: How can I improve my chess rating?

  • A: Your chess rating is a numerical measure of your chess skill and performance. It can go up or down depending on your results against other players or the computer. To improve your chess rating, you need to practice regularly, study diligently, analyze critically, and play confidently. You also need to have a positive attitude, a growth mindset, and a passion for the game.

  • Q: What are some of the most famous chess games?

  • A: There are many famous chess games that have been played throughout history by some of the greatest chess players of all time. Some of them are: The Immortal Game (Anderssen vs Kieseritzky, 1851), The Evergreen Game (Anderssen vs Dufresne, 1852), The Opera Game (Morphy vs Duke of Brunswick and Count Isouard, 1858), The Game of the Century (Fischer vs Byrne, 1956), The Pearl of Zandvoort (Euwe vs Alekhine, 1935), The Match of the Century (Spassky vs Fischer, 1972), The King's Gambit Accepted (Kasparov vs Topalov, 1999), The Game of the 21st Century (Carlsen vs Karjakin, 2016), etc. You can find these games and many more on various chess websites, books, magazines, videos, etc.

  • Q: What are some of the best chess books?

  • A: There are many chess books that can help you learn and improve your chess skills. Some of the most recommended and influential chess books are: My System by Aron Nimzowitsch, The Art of Attack in Chess by Vladimir Vukovic, Modern Chess Strategy by Ludek Pachman, The Road to Chess Mastery by Max Euwe and Walter Meiden, Think Like a Grandmaster by Alexander Kotov, Pawn Structure Chess by Andrew Soltis, The Life and Games of Mikhail Tal by Mikhail Tal, My 60 Memorable Games by Bobby Fischer, The Mammoth Book of the World's Greatest Chess Games by Graham Burgess, John Nunn, and John Emms, etc.

  • Q: How can I find a chess coach or a chess club?

  • A: If you want to get more guidance and feedback on your chess skills, you can look for a chess coach or a chess club in your area or online. A chess coach is a person who can teach you chess, give you lessons, exercises, homework, advice, etc. A chess club is a place where you can meet other chess players, play games, tournaments, events, etc. You can find a chess coach or a chess club by asking around, searching online, checking local directories, visiting websites such as , , FIDE , USCF , etc.



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